Sunday, 31 July 2011

Point of Sale- Hub Master Utility-29072011

Hubmaster Utility

This section will outline about:
ü        Why Hubmaster Utility?
ü        How to use?
ü        Prerequisite

Why Hubmaster utility

Destination hub details are printed in the Point Of Sale receipt after speed post transactions. Since the hub master details are undergoing frequent changes, a utility is kept in ftp so that whenever there is a change in the hub details, an update will be available. 

How to use?

The exl file from the ftp should be downloaded and copied to the system. Counter database should be upgraded using the script tool using this file.


MeghdootUpdate28032011\Pointofsale7.0\Pointofsale7.1 is a prerequisite for using the utility.

Write Protect Your USB Drive

Viruses these days are tend to copy themselves to executable files. The common medium is USB  flash drives. It has now become the most common and seen everywhere that a virus is getting transferred from one computer to another.  Not all  antivirus software are able to detect whenever system detects a new device plugging in.
I still remember there were some old USB drives that used to come with write protect feature, a button that used to make a flash drive read only and nothing could be written or deleted from the drive after plugging in.  But unfortunately most of the new flash drives don’t come with such feature, maybe the manufacturers want to cut down the cost?

So, the only way to protect our USB flash drive is enable the write protect through our own PC. With USB Write Protector, you can turn on/off the write protect to a USB flash drive, which puts a drive in read-only mode when it’s connected to a computer.

You won’t be able to delete or create a new file inside the drive unless the write-protect is disabled using USB Write protector.

Friday, 29 July 2011

Meghdhoot 7.0- Postman Update

The following error occurs after upgradation of Meghdoot 7.0 - Postman module.

" could not find stored procedure regdatanet - 2147217900"
" Error occured in registration data entry and action is cancelled by application"

Error -1

Error -2

Please execute the attached script (Postman 7.0 - Custom Script.exl) using script toll after taking a backup of postman database.

With Regards
Help Desk
Center for Excellence in Postal Technology 
Postal Training Center Campus
Mysore 570010
Karnataka , India
Ph:               +918212449015       
Fax:  +918212440526


Thursday, 28 July 2011

SBCO Data Backup Software

This SBCO Backup.exe developed by   the R&D  Section,  Central  Region, Trichy.  This exe helps to copy the desired category of dbf files into the local, external hard drive and remote server in a closed network. 

Installation of Winrar software compulsory ( for Zipping of files)

1. copy the attached sbco backup exe in the root drive of the (may be c:\ or d:\ )sbco computer.

2. Make short cut to that sbco backup exe
3. A folder named 'sbcotempbak' must created in the c: or d: drive of the system.
4. winrar software must be installed in the system at c: drive.
5. The other information's are self explanatory.
6. Use  External storage device. If not available, give one local Hard Disk path

Organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays – denial of legitimate rights to the employees to avail Sundays etc.

Government of India
Department of Posts
SR Section
No. 16/56/2011-SR July 8, 2011

All Heads of Circles
Subject: - Organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays – denial of legitimate rights to the employees to avail Sundays etc.

I am directed to state that the issue of organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays, thus depriving the employees of their legitimate right to avail the break was considered in a meeting taken by Secretary to discuss charter of Demands served with the notice of indefinite strike w.e.f. 05.07.2011 by Postal Joint Council of Action.

2. While in certain circumstances it may be unavoidable strategically beneficial for the Department to hold meetings/melas etc on holidays and Sundays, it may not be done so in a routine manner. Needless to say, the weekly break and holidays etc. have their own significance and it may be kept in view while calling the officials for duty during the break.
3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

Yours faithfully
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
Telefax: 23096021

eMO Compilation Software for HO

eMO Compilation Software fo HOs

Rate of Daily Allowance on Tour- Implementation of 6th CPC

“Rates of Daily Allowance on Tour"  -  Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission
        “Rates of Daily Allowance on Tour" may be regulated either in accordance with the provisions of this Department's OM, dated 23.9.2008, or as per the old rates prevalent prior to the issue of the said OM, whichever is claimed by the employee.
The option to claim will be available as a complete package for a particular tour and not by taking part of either orders.
In other words, officers may choose to be governed either by orders, dated 23.9.2008 or dated or dated the 17th April, 1998, in regard to daily allowance on tour. Pay in the pay band for the purpose of regulation of Daily Allowance only would be as under :-

Pay range (as per OM)
Revised pay in the pay band
Rs. 16,400 and above
Rs. 30,500 and above
Rs. 8,000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400
Rs. 15,000 and above but less than Rs. 30,500
Rs. 6,500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000
Rs. 12,500 and above but less than Rs. 15,000
Rs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500
Rs. 8,000 and above but less than Rs. 12,500
Below Rs 4,100
Below Rs. 8,000

Rates of Daily Allowance as per the OM No.10/2/98-IC & 19030/2/97-E. IV dated 17.4.1998 published by Finance Ministry as follows...
When the Government servant stays in Government  / Public Sector Guest House or makes his own arrangements…
Pay range

Localities other than those mentioned in Columns (3), (4) and (5)
'B-1' Class cities and expensive localities listed below*
'A' Class cities and specially expensive localities listed below*
'A' Class cities


Rs. 16,400 and above
Rs. 8,000 and above but less than Rs. 16,400
Rs. 6500 and above but less than Rs. 8,000
Rs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 6,500
Rs 4,100

When the Government servant in a hotel or other establishment providing boarding and / or lodging at Scheduled Tariffs...
Pay range

Localities other than those mentioned in Cloumn (3), (4) and (5)
'B-1' Class cities and expensive localities listed below*
'A' Class cities and specially expensive localities listed below*
'A' Class cities
Rs. 16,400 and above
Rs. 8,000 and above but less than
Rs. 16,400
Rs. 6500 and above but less than
Rs. 8,000
Rs. 4,100 and
above but less than
Rs. 6,500
Rs 4,100
The intention is to allow hotel rates of D.A. if a Government servant stays in any establishment registered / licensed as a hotel.
Relative orders…