Sunday, 31 July 2011

Write Protect Your USB Drive

Viruses these days are tend to copy themselves to executable files. The common medium is USB  flash drives. It has now become the most common and seen everywhere that a virus is getting transferred from one computer to another.  Not all  antivirus software are able to detect whenever system detects a new device plugging in.
I still remember there were some old USB drives that used to come with write protect feature, a button that used to make a flash drive read only and nothing could be written or deleted from the drive after plugging in.  But unfortunately most of the new flash drives don’t come with such feature, maybe the manufacturers want to cut down the cost?

So, the only way to protect our USB flash drive is enable the write protect through our own PC. With USB Write Protector, you can turn on/off the write protect to a USB flash drive, which puts a drive in read-only mode when it’s connected to a computer.

You won’t be able to delete or create a new file inside the drive unless the write-protect is disabled using USB Write protector.